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What is AI as a Service?


Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way that humans work, play, and interact with the world around them. For businesses, AI is helping increase team productivity, reduce costs, and improve client experience.

AI as a Service (AIaaS) is artificial intelligence technology that is provided by a third party. AI comes in many forms from machine learning to natural language processing. The beauty of AIaaS is that businesses can reap the benefits of AI without having to manage this technology themselves, instead relying on specialists who just focus on artificial intelligence.

Benefits of AIaaS

There are a number of key benefits of AIaaS that businesses should consider when deciding whether to build or buy artificial intelligence technology.

1. Speed of Innovation

AI is still early in its innovation adoption curve where tech enthusiasts and visionaries are generally the primary users of this technology. However, we’re seeing rapid innovation due to the number of companies that are providing AI technology and services competing against each other for market share. The technology ranges from generative AI like ChatGPT to customer service-focused technology like agent assist, conversation intelligence, and intelligent triaging. For most companies looking to stay ahead of competitors, building their own AI tools isn’t an option considering there are a variety of AIaaS tools available and affordable.

Source: Grow Enterprise

2. Reducing Capital and Operational Costs

Building and maintaining AI applications on your own requires substantial capital costs. This includes hardware and equipment to run the applications, as well as to store data. Training and maintaining complex AI models is incredibly tedious and can take weeks if not months to train and often require substantial computational resources. In addition, you can reduce or shift labor costs that traditionally would be spent on these projects. Leveraging a third party to build and manage AI programs can significantly reduce both CapEx and OpEx.

3. Improving Employee Engagement and Retention

A recent study found that workers on average spend 3 hours a day on manual, repetitive computer tasks that aren’t part of their primary job and are prone to human error. By allowing AI to handle these mundane and redundant tasks, employee satisfaction not only increases (47% of workers find digital administration “boring”)—so does the accuracy with which these tasks are completed. Employees can then focus on more meaningful and complex tasks.

4. Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence is improving the work lives of employees, but it also promises to transform the way organizations deliver customer experiences. From interacting directly with customers to surfacing accurate answers in real-time, AI can mine massive data reservoirs much faster than a customer service agent possibly ever can. In the next section, we outline the top ways organizations are already reaping the benefits of AI in customer service.

Leveraging AIaaS in Customer Experience

Customer service leaders are continuing to find new ways to leverage AI in the pursuit of providing better customer experience. A few examples are:

  • Generative AI: Generative AI can produce written content, such as email responses, tailored to customer queries. This speeds up response times and ensures consistency in communication.
  • Intelligent Routing: Customers are automatically routed to the most appropriate service agent or department based on their query type and history. This ensures that customers receive the most efficient and effective service.
  • Agent Assist: Real-time guidance for agents whether it’s answering a customer question or identifying their tone or mood.
  • Conversational Intelligence: Review customer interactions and identify key trends across a much larger data set than a human can manage.
  • Real-Time Language Translation: For businesses serving an international customer base, AI-powered real-time translation tools break down language barriers, enabling effective communication with customers worldwide.
  • Fraud Detection and Prevention: AI algorithms can detect unusual patterns in customer accounts, helping to prevent fraud and protect customer data.
  • Predictive Analytics: Surface potential customer issues and pain points before a customer has to reach out to you.

By adopting these AI-driven strategies, businesses are not only improving the efficiency of their customer service departments but also significantly enhancing the overall customer experience.

Jaid Artificial Intelligence as a Service

Our AIaaS platform revolutionizes customer interactions, empowering businesses to seamlessly automate and enhance customer communications. By integrating effortlessly into existing workflows, Jaid transforms customer engagement across multiple channels – including email, chat, voice, or via custom APIs. The platform intelligently cross-references each customer interaction with internal systems such as CRM or case management tools and provides an airtight audit trail of all customer interaction. This allows Jaid to accurately predict and automate the most effective response for each individual query.

The result? A significant portion of customer interactions are resolved autonomously, ensuring efficiency and speed. However, Jaid also excels in recognizing when a human touch is crucial. In such cases, it smartly routes the interaction to the most suitable agent, tailored to the specifics of the case. This blend of AI-driven automation and human expertise elevates the overall customer experience, reducing response times and enhancing satisfaction.

Interested in learning more about how Jaid can help? Contact us today to schedule your personalized demo.